Friday, September 13, 2013

The Dancer

            So my analogy was actually a picutre I received at a prayer session called "Original Design" where you meet with people you do not know and have never met and they pray and ask God to reveal to us what His original design was for our lives and what He has planned and dreamed for us to do.  During the session they received seven different sort of analogies for my design, but this particular picture really resonated with me and illustrates my life accurately. 

             The scene opened with a vast, dark and empty stage.  One dancer (that is me) comes out and starts her routine.  She is dancing on pointe (ballet) with a huge smile on her face and is glowing on that lonely stage.  As she dances, various individuals come and join her, and they dance together beautifully, in pairs and in groups.  She dances with all her heart and joy with all the people who continually pass through, but there is only one person in the audience, watching with a smile on His face, and that is God.

              The funny thing is, I never did ballet, but I always wanted to, and I'm  not very good at dancing, but I love it.  This picture really touched my heart because it really is true how I desire to live my life: only for God and his approval and not seeking what man deems "good".  The past few years have especially been a struggle in this area of fear of man vs. God and reminds me where I must keep my focus. :)


  1. This is really beautiful Hanna!!! It is so great that you have this image with you all the time, constantly reminding you that God is the only one that truly matters!!! Well done!!!

  2. I think that you and I and a LOT of other people need to get together and discuss this stuff haha. It is such a relate-able topic and yet ever experience is unique.

    I don't know if you meant to say this, but how I interpreted a line of this was that people were leaving the stage during the dance, they would come and dance with you and then later leave. To me that was a stage of life. I thought it was powerful (whether or not that is what you actually said haha) but the fact that you continued smiling and dancing even when the elements around you were changing was beautiful. And this analogy in my mind fits you perfectly even though, as you said, you're not a dancer. But you have a beautiful heart. You look beautiful when you smile, and it's the most beautiful when you smile honestly because you're happy.

    This is just a beautiful analogy. I really liked it Hanna (:

  3. This is such a cool picture Hanna! And as the comments above point out, you can discover multiple layers in it. Thinking of you beaming in a spot light on the stage is so darn Hanna Kumasaka: you're a shiny beam-er. :) (Not like the car, but like the shiny things that beam.) I do believe He asks you to shine that radiantly, to dance that joyfully, to exult without inhibition, knowing that you are loved.

    Thanks for this!

  4. Twinnie this is so beautiful!! I can definitely see in your life your ability to make beautiful things with other people, whether it be JSB, the winning point in volleyball, or just the feeling of happiness people get when they're around you. You are graceful in your thoughts and actions, and that's one of the things I love about you :) Lovely analogy!
